General English Intermediate

General English Intermediate

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About Course

English Level 4 (Intermediate) is an exciting course that builds on the language skills you learned in previous levels. This course is designed to help you improve your English proficiency by focusing on more complex grammar, vocabulary, and communication strategies. You will learn to express yourself more confidently and effectively in a variety of real-life situations. Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, you will develop your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, and gain the confidence you need to communicate with English speakers around the world. By the end of the course, you will be able to participate in conversations on a wide range of topics, understand English media and literature, and express your thoughts and ideas with clarity and precision.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Curabitur efficitur ipsum eget odio hendrerit, vel fringilla quam elementum.
  • Donec at leo vel leo dictum bibendum.
  • Maecenas sed erat nec nibh gravida scelerisque.

Course Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis viverra venenatis ante sed condimentum. Pellentesque ut arcu neque. Fusce efficitur nisl quam, at ullamcorper metus condimentum sed. Sed commodo id massa eget facilisis. Vestibulum viverra efficitur laoreet. Aenean gravida lorem ac justo euismod, in suscipit nulla semper.

  • A2 Lesson 0

Friends & family
In this course, you will learn how to express your ideas and feelings about the people in your life, including friends and family members. You will also develop your ability to describe personalities, relationships, and events related to your loved ones. Throughout the course, you will engage in a variety of activities that will help you to develop your language skills in a fun and interactive way. These activities may include group discussions, role-playing, writing assignments, and listening and reading comprehension exercises. By the end of the course, you will have achieved the following learning outcomes: The ability to express your ideas and feelings about your friends and family members in English The ability to describe personalities, relationships, and events related to your loved ones Improved listening and reading comprehension skills in English Improved writing and speaking skills in English In addition to language skills, you will also have the opportunity to explore the cultural aspects related to Friends & Family. This may include learning about the different family structures and social customs in English-speaking countries. Overall, this intermediate level English course is an excellent option for anyone who wants to improve their language skills while exploring the topic of Friends & Family. With engaging activities, personalized feedback, and experienced instructors, you will be able to achieve your language goals in a supportive and enjoyable learning environment.



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